So I decided a little while ago that I should run the Bolder Boulder this year. I had done it the first time back in 2004 with a couple friends of mine. I had started running "for real" maybe in 2003 or 2002, and was enjoying doing local 5k's. I was really enjoying being able to run, so I entered the BB10k and started training. I ran 6 miles once, which was two laps around City Park, and felt ready for it. And I was! My friends and I ran the whole thing without stopping (which was our/my personal goal). We kept a slow and steady pace, finishing at a reasonable, if not humble, 1:10:58. I ran it again in 2005, finishing in 55:53. In between these two races, I ran a half-marathon in Carlsbad, CA in January of 2005. I trained in Denver through the winter, which meant that the actual race at sea level at a comfortable 60 degrees was pretty fantastic. I can't remember my actual finish time for the half, but it was nearly dead-on 10:00 mile (I honestly think something like 131 minutes, 28 seconds). And I haven't gone farther than a 10k since then.

this blog, but I don't see the need to bring any unwanted attention to the Pie Girl. Also keeping in mind that being called the Pie Girl is not a reflection of her appearance in any stretch of the imagination. She is quite petite and fit. I will be mentioning her again in future blogs. Back to the race.]
Somewhere around mile 4 was an elusive donut stand. I saw a girl running with a donut, and I told the Pie Girl with undisguised envy, "that girl has a donut". She had seen the stand, but somehow, I missed it. People come out to the neighborhoods and eat their breakfast in their pajamas, and at least once the smell of bacon was overwhelming. Nearing mile 6 was a girl with a plate of cupcakes. I applauded her (literally), but declined. I wasn't feeling like eating a cupcake just then. Weird, I know.
The BB finishes with a run through the CU football stadium. It's super fun (?) to sprint this last little part. It's loud, there's music playing, the stands are full of people cheering you on, and you're almost done! So I sprinted (read: accelerated from a jog to a run) to the end.
And as an aside, this race is always run on Memorial Day. I had always thought of Memorial Day as a day to honor fallen soldiers. However, the BB gives you a free bib to honor any and all people who have served/are currently serving. And I was so excited to put two people of whom I am quite proud: my currently serving Sergeant First Class super secret squirrel brother-in-law, and friend from previous job who was apparently a major bad-ass in the Army at one time.
The Pie Girl and I had a great run. On the drive back from Boulder, we talked about triathlons. She's done one, I haven't. It's something I kind of always wanted to do, but a) didn't have a decent bike and b) didn't have consistent pool access. I now have a more than decent bike. So, before I lost my nerve, feeling all super confident and mighty, we registered for the "Tri for the Cure" in Cherry Creek State Park on August 7th. That gives me just over nine weeks to find a pool, and see if I can even swim 750 meters.
I feel pretty confident I could do the whole race without training any harder than I ordinarily would do over a summer. But all bravado and braggadocio aside, by "do" I mean “finish”. Not heroically, not without a lot of discomfort, and likely not without feeling pretty miserable the whole time, and perhaps with a dramatic crawl to the finish line. Soooo, I'll find a pool (I already found a couple at rec centers I can pay through the nose to use), and figure this thing out. And perhaps, eat my words.
I'll admit that the swim part makes me nervous. It's in a yucky reservoir (one year participants in this same tri all got some horrible skin rash from a parasitic snail or something godawful), it's in open water, there will be a bunch of other swimmers with their arms and legs all kicking out everywhere, and I've never done anything like that before. And I have literally no concept of what it means to swim 750 meters. It's like, half a mile. Is that far? I don't even know. It sounds far. I suppose I'll find out soon enough.
And just to see if I am over-confident or actually capable, this weekend I will attempt the entire bike/run portion. So I'll ride my bike 11.4 miles (maybe 12 to call it good) and then run 3.1 miles. My logic is that I can ride 30 miles and be OK, and I just ran 6.2 miles and was OK. I can probably do half of each at the same time and be OK. Right??